IHEM species details

Last data update: 24 January 2024 16:39 CET  

Species name: Aspergillus tubingensis (Schober) Mosseray
Synonyms: Aspergillus costaricensis Samson & Frisvad
Aspergillus neoniger Varga, Frisvad & Samson
Type of organism: Fungi
Medium: Medium ME, PDA, S10, 25°C

53 strain(s) found - displaying strain(s) 1 through 53

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Strain number: IHEM 4379   Add to cart
Name changes: Aspergillus awamori (Nakazawa)
Acronyms: WB 4870, MUCL 31312, IMI 313491, CBS 128.48

- type strain of Aspergillus pseudoniger

History: -> Biourge -> Mosseray as Aspergillus pseudoniger ->... -> 1948, CBS -> 1989, IHEM-> 1948, CBS -> 1989, IHEM
Applications: production of amylase and lipase
Literature: M. Hendrickx, H. Beguin and M. Detandt, Mycoses 55 (2012), 148-55
[DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2011.02049.x]


Strain number: IHEM 5802   Add to cart
Acronyms: WB 4866, QM 8905, IMI 172296, CCRC 32169, CBS 115.29, ATCC 10550
History: F. Oehlkers -> 1929, CBS -> CCRC -> 1991, IHEM
Literature: M. Hendrickx, H. Beguin and M. Detandt, Mycoses 55 (2012), 148-55
[DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2011.02049.x]


Strain number: IHEM 6184   Add to cart
Name changes: Aspergillus niger van Tieghem
Original substratum: human nose
Geographic Origin: Belgium, Brussels
Isolator: Cancer Hospital Inst. Bordet Brussels 1991
History: Cancer Hospital Inst. Bordet Brussels -> 1991, IHEM
Literature: M. Hendrickx, H. Beguin and M. Detandt, Mycoses 55 (2012), 148-55
[DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2011.02049.x]


Strain number: IHEM 17168   Add to cart
Name changes: Aspergillus niger van Tieghem
Original substratum: human sinus
Geographic Origin: Belgium, Brussels
Isolator: IHEM 2000
History: -> 2000, IHEM
Literature: M. Hendrickx, H. Beguin and M. Detandt, Mycoses 55 (2012), 148-55
[DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2011.02049.x]

Bouchara JP, Hsieh HY, Croquefer S, Barton R, Marchais V, Pihet M, Chang TC, J Clin Microbiol 47 (2009), 142–152
[DOI: 10.1128/JCM.01668-08]


Strain number: IHEM 22375   Add to cart
Name changes: Aspergillus niger van Tieghem
Aspergillus neoniger (Varga, Frisvad & Samson)
Aspergillus tubingensis ((Schober) Mosseray)
Acronyms: RV 33042
Original substratum: human ear
Pathogenicity (underlying disease): otomycosis
Geographic Origin: India, Trivandrum
History: -> 1974, RV -> 1997, IHEM
Literature: M. Hendrickx, H. Beguin and M. Detandt, Mycoses 55 (2012), 148-55
[DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2011.02049.x]


Strain number: IHEM 26350   Add to cart
Original substratum: air
Geographic Origin: France, Manosque
Isolator: University hospital Timone Marseille Apr. 2012
History: Laboratoire de Parasitologie et Mycologie, University hospital Timone, Marseille -> 2014, IHEM


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Strain number: IHEM 1941   Add to cart
Name changes: Aspergillus phoenicis (Corda) Thom
Original substratum: dust from mattress
Geographic Origin: Belgium, Brussels
Collector: Renard
History: -> 1983, IHEM
Literature: M. Hendrickx, H. Beguin and M. Detandt, Mycoses 55 (2012), 148-55
[DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2011.02049.x]


Strain number: IHEM 2463   Add to cart
Name changes: Aspergillus phoenicis (Corda) Thom
Aspergillus neoniger (Varga, Frisvad & Samson)
Aspergillus tubingensis ((Schober) Mosseray)
Original substratum: nutmeg (Myristica fragrans)
Geographic Origin: Belgium, Brussels
Isolator: IHEM 1990
History: -> 1980, IHEM
Literature: M. Hendrickx, H. Beguin and M. Detandt, Mycoses 55 (2012), 148-55
[DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2011.02049.x]


Strain number: IHEM 5615   Add to cart
Name changes: Aspergillus pulverulentus ((Mc Alpine) Thom)
Acronyms: MUCL 13592, CBS 558.65, NRRL 4851, WB 4851, IMI 211396, CBS 115.48, ATCC 16879, MUCL 13592

- type strain of Aspergillus elatior (Mosseray)

History: P. Biourge -> R. Mosseray -> 1948, CBS as Aspergillus elatior -> 1964, MUCL -> 1991, IHEM
Literature: M. Hendrickx, H. Beguin and M. Detandt, Mycoses 55 (2012), 148-55
[DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2011.02049.x]


Strain number: IHEM 10349   Add to cart
Original substratum: grains
Geographic Origin: China, Tibet, Poronkang
Isolator: IHEM 1997
Literature: M. Hendrickx, H. Beguin and M. Detandt, Mycoses 55 (2012), 148-55
[DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2011.02049.x]


Strain number: IHEM 13662   Add to cart
Name changes: Aspergillus phoenicis (Corda) Thom
Original substratum: hospital environment
Geographic Origin: Belgium, Brussels
Isolator: IHEM 1997
History: -> 1997, IHEM
Literature: M. Hendrickx, H. Beguin and M. Detandt, Mycoses 55 (2012), 148-55
[DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2011.02049.x]


Strain number: IHEM 17033   Add to cart
Name changes: Aspergillus niger van Tieghem
Original substratum: human ear canal
Pathogenicity (underlying disease): mycotic otomycosis externa
Geographic Origin: Belgium, Charleroi
Isolator: Ducene
History: -> 2000, IHEM
Literature: M. Hendrickx, H. Beguin and M. Detandt, Mycoses 55 (2012), 148-55
[DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2011.02049.x]

Bouchara JP, Hsieh HY, Croquefer S, Barton R, Marchais V, Pihet M, Chang TC, J Clin Microbiol 47 (2009), 142–152
[DOI: 10.1128/JCM.01668-08]


Strain number: IHEM 17170   Add to cart
Name changes: Aspergillus niger van Tieghem
Original substratum: human sinus
Geographic Origin: Belgium, Brussels
Isolator: IHEM 2000
History: -> 2000, IHEM
Literature: M. Hendrickx, H. Beguin and M. Detandt, Mycoses 55 (2012), 148-55
[DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2011.02049.x]


Strain number: IHEM 17439   Add to cart
Name changes: Aspergillus niger van Tieghem
Original substratum: human sinus
Geographic Origin: Belgium, Brussels
Isolator: IHEM 2000
History: 2000, IHEM
Literature: M. Hendrickx, H. Beguin and M. Detandt, Mycoses 55 (2012), 148-55
[DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2011.02049.x]


Strain number: IHEM 17440   Add to cart
Name changes: Aspergillus niger van Tieghem
Original substratum: human sinus
Geographic Origin: Belgium, Brussels
Isolator: IHEM 2000
History: 2000, IHEM
Literature: M. Hendrickx, H. Beguin and M. Detandt, Mycoses 55 (2012), 148-55
[DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2011.02049.x]


Strain number: IHEM 17441   Add to cart
Name changes: Aspergillus niger van Tieghem
Original substratum: human sinus
Geographic Origin: Belgium, Brussels
Isolator: IHEM 2000
History: -> 2000, IHEM
Literature: M. Hendrickx, H. Beguin and M. Detandt, Mycoses 55 (2012), 148-55
[DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2011.02049.x]


Strain number: IHEM 17442   Add to cart
Name changes: Aspergillus niger van Tieghem
Original substratum: human sinus
Geographic Origin: Belgium, Brussels
Isolator: IHEM 2000
History: 2000, IHEM
Literature: M. Hendrickx, H. Beguin and M. Detandt, Mycoses 55 (2012), 148-55
[DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2011.02049.x]


Strain number: IHEM 17893   Add to cart
Name changes: Aspergillus niger van Tieghem
Original substratum: human sinus
Geographic Origin: Belgium, Brussels
Isolator: IHEM 2000
History: 2000, IHEM
Literature: M. Hendrickx, H. Beguin and M. Detandt, Mycoses 55 (2012), 148-55
[DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2011.02049.x]


Strain number: IHEM 17903   Add to cart
Name changes: Aspergillus niger van Tieghem
Original substratum: human sinus
Geographic Origin: Belgium, Brussels
Isolator: IHEM 2000
History: 2000, IHEM
Literature: M. Hendrickx, H. Beguin and M. Detandt, Mycoses 55 (2012), 148-55
[DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2011.02049.x]


Strain number: IHEM 17904   Add to cart
Name changes: Aspergillus niger (van Tieghem)
Original substratum: human sinus
Geographic Origin: Belgium, Brussels
Isolator: IHEM 2000
Literature: M. Hendrickx, H. Beguin and M. Detandt, Mycoses 55 (2012), 148-55
[DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2011.02049.x]


Strain number: IHEM 18042   Add to cart
Name changes: Aspergillus tubingensis ((Schober) Mosseray)
Aspergillus neoniger (Varga, Frisvad & Samson)
Original substratum: soil under mango tree near hut
Geographic Origin: French Guiana, Maroni river, latitude 4°36
Isolator: IHEM 2009
Literature: M. Hendrickx, H. Beguin and M. Detandt, Mycoses 55 (2012), 148-55
[DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2011.02049.x]


Strain number: IHEM 18097   Add to cart
Name changes: Aspergillus niger van Tieghem
Aspergillus neoniger (Varga, Frisvad & Samson)
Aspergillus tubingensis ((Schober) Mosseray)
Original substratum: rotten mango
Geographic Origin: French Guiana, Maripasoula, near the river
Isolator: IHEM 2000
History: 2000, IHEM
Literature: M. Hendrickx, H. Beguin and M. Detandt, Mycoses 55 (2012), 148-55
[DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2011.02049.x]


Strain number: IHEM 18106   Add to cart
Name changes: Aspergillus niger van Tieghem
Aspergillus neoniger (Varga, Frisvad & Samson)
Aspergillus tubingensis ((Schober) Mosseray)
Original substratum: leaf of mango tree
Geographic Origin: French Guiana, Maripasoula, near the river
Isolator: IHEM 2000
History: 2000, IHEM
Literature: M. Hendrickx, H. Beguin and M. Detandt, Mycoses 55 (2012), 148-55
[DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2011.02049.x]


Strain number: IHEM 18136   Add to cart
Name changes: Aspergillus niger van Tieghem
Aspergillus costaricensis (Samson & Frisvad)
Aspergillus neoniger (Varga, Frisvad & Samson)
Aspergillus tubingensis ((Schober) Mosseray)
Original substratum: soil under palm tree
Geographic Origin: French Guiana, Maroni river, latitude 4°17
Isolator: IHEM 2000
History: 2000, IHEM
Literature: M. Hendrickx, H. Beguin and M. Detandt, Mycoses 55 (2012), 148-55
[DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2011.02049.x]


Strain number: IHEM 18205   Add to cart
Name changes: Aspergillus tubingensis ((Schober) Mosseray)
Aspergillus costaricensis (Samson & Frisvad)
Aspergillus neoniger (Varga, Frisvad & Samson)
Original substratum: soil
Geographic Origin: French Guiana, Royal Island
Isolator: IHEM 2000
History: -> 2006, IHEM
Literature: M. Hendrickx, H. Beguin and M. Detandt, Mycoses 55 (2012), 148-55
[DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2011.02049.x]


Strain number: IHEM 18329   Add to cart
Name changes: Aspergillus tubingensis ((Schober) Mosseray)
Aspergillus neoniger (Varga, Frisvad & Samson)
Original substratum: rotten mango
Geographic Origin: French Guiana, Maripasoula, near the river
Isolator: IHEM 2000
History: -> 2010, IHEM
Literature: M. Hendrickx, H. Beguin and M. Detandt, Mycoses 55 (2012), 148-55
[DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2011.02049.x]


Strain number: IHEM 19307   Add to cart
Original substratum: soil
Geographic Origin: Mauritius, Flic en Flac
Isolator: IHEM 2002


Strain number: IHEM 20711   Add to cart
Name changes: Aspergillus tubingensis ((Schober) Mosseray)
Aspergillus niger van Tieghem
Aspergillus neoniger (Varga, Frisvad & Samson)
Original substratum: soil
Geographic Origin: Cuba, Pinar del Rio, sources
History: 2004, IHEM
Literature: M. Hendrickx, H. Beguin and M. Detandt, Mycoses 55 (2012), 148-55
[DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2011.02049.x]


Strain number: IHEM 20716   Add to cart
Name changes: Aspergillus tubingensis ((Schober) Mosseray)
Aspergillus neoniger (Varga, Frisvad & Samson)
Original substratum: soil
Geographic Origin: Cuba, Pinar del Rio, Vinales road
Isolator: IHEM 2004
Literature: M. Hendrickx, H. Beguin and M. Detandt, Mycoses 55 (2012), 148-55
[DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2011.02049.x]


Strain number: IHEM 21592   Add to cart
Name changes: Aspergillus tubingensis ((Schober) Mosseray)
Aspergillus niger van Tieghem
Aspergillus neoniger (Varga, Frisvad & Samson)
Original substratum: human ear
Geographic Origin: Cuba, Havana
History: 1996, General Hospital Havana -> University Havana -> 2005, IHEM
Literature: M. Hendrickx, H. Beguin and M. Detandt, Mycoses 55 (2012), 148-55
[DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2011.02049.x]


Strain number: IHEM 21596   Add to cart
Original substratum: air (Instiuto de Historia)
Geographic Origin: Cuba, Havana
History: 1996, University Havana -> 2005, IHEM
Literature: M. Hendrickx, H. Beguin and M. Detandt, Mycoses 55 (2012), 148-55
[DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2011.02049.x]


Strain number: IHEM 21601   Add to cart
Name changes: Aspergillus niger van Tieghem
Original substratum: clinical material
Geographic Origin: Argentina, Buenos Aires
History: Instituto National de Microbiologia Buenos Aires -> 1996, University Havana -> 2005, IHEM
Literature: M. Hendrickx, H. Beguin and M. Detandt, Mycoses 55 (2012), 148-55
[DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2011.02049.x]


Strain number: IHEM 21971   Add to cart
Name changes: Aspergillus tubingensis ((Schober) Mosseray)
Aspergillus niger van Tieghem
Aspergillus costaricaensis gr. (Samson & Frisvad)
Original substratum: soil
Geographic Origin: Mauritius
History: -> 2006, IHEM
Literature: M. Hendrickx, H. Beguin and M. Detandt, Mycoses 55 (2012), 148-55
[DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2011.02049.x]


Strain number: IHEM 22370   Add to cart
Original substratum: human ear
Pathogenicity (underlying disease): otitis
Geographic Origin: Belgium, Antwerp
Isolator: IHEM 2007
History: University hospital Stuyvenberg, Antwerpen -> 2007, IHEM
Literature: M. Hendrickx, H. Beguin and M. Detandt, Mycoses 55 (2012), 148-55
[DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2011.02049.x]


Strain number: IHEM 22394   Add to cart
Name changes: Aspergillus niger van Tieghem
Acronyms: RV 32682
Original substratum: human eye
Geographic Origin: India
History: -> 1974, RV -> 1997, IHEM
Literature: M. Hendrickx, H. Beguin and M. Detandt, Mycoses 55 (2012), 148-55
[DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2011.02049.x]


Strain number: IHEM 22772   Add to cart
Name changes: Aspergillus niger van Tieghem
Acronyms: B 15299
Original substratum: human ear
Geographic Origin: Belgium, Beerse
History: -> 1973, Janssen Pharmaceutica -> 2001, IHEM
Literature: M. Hendrickx, H. Beguin and M. Detandt, Mycoses 55 (2012), 148-55
[DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2011.02049.x]


Strain number: IHEM 22773   Add to cart
Name changes: Aspergillus niger van Tieghem
Acronyms: B 39401
Original substratum: human ear
Geographic Origin: Belgium, Turnhout
History: -> 1984, Janssen Pharmaceutica -> 2001, IHEM
Literature: M. Hendrickx, H. Beguin and M. Detandt, Mycoses 55 (2012), 148-55
[DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2011.02049.x]


Strain number: IHEM 25327   Add to cart
Name changes: Aspergillus pulverulentus ((Mc Alpine) Thom)
Original substratum: laboratory contaminant
Geographic Origin: Belgium, Brussels
Isolator: IHEM 2011


Strain number: IHEM 25487   Add to cart
Original substratum: environment
Geographic Origin: France, Marseille
Isolator: Laboratoire de Parasitologie et Mycologie, University hospital Timone, Marseille 12 Sep. 2011
History: -> 2012, IHEM


Strain number: IHEM 25773   Add to cart
Name changes: Aspergillus niger (van Tieghem)
Original substratum: human ear
Pathogenicity (underlying disease): otitis externa
Geographic Origin: Belgium, Brussels
Isolator: University Hospital St Pierre Brussels
History: -> 2012, IHEM


Strain number: IHEM 25775   Add to cart
Original substratum: human
Geographic Origin: Belgium, Brussels
Isolator: University Hospital St Pierre Brussels
History: -> 2012, IHEM


Strain number: IHEM 25777   Add to cart
Name changes: Aspergillus niger (van Tieghem)
Original substratum: human wound
Geographic Origin: Belgium, Brussels
Isolator: University Hospital St Pierre Brussels
History: -> 2012, IHEM


Strain number: IHEM 25949   Add to cart
Name changes: Aspergillus niger van Tieghem
Original substratum: human sputum
Geographic Origin: France, Marseille
Isolator: University hospital Timone Marseille 2009
History: Laboratoire de Parasitologie et Mycologie, University hospital Timone, Marseille -> 2013, IHEM


Strain number: IHEM 26163   Add to cart
Original substratum: human ear
Pathogenicity (underlying disease): otitis externa
Geographic Origin: Belgium, Jette
Isolator: University Hospital VUB Brussels
History: University Hospital VUB Brussels -> 2013, IHEM


Strain number: IHEM 26200   Add to cart
Original substratum: human ear
Pathogenicity (underlying disease): otitis
Geographic Origin: Belgium, Jette
Isolator: University Hospital VUB Brussels 15 Feb. 2013
History: University Hospital VUB Brussels -> 2013, IHEM


Strain number: IHEM 26215   Add to cart
Name changes: Aspergillus niger (van Tieghem)
Original substratum: human ear
Pathogenicity (underlying disease): otomycosis
Geographic Origin: Belgium, Jette
Isolator: University Hospital VUB Brussels 11 Mar. 2013
History: University Hospital VUB Brussels -> 2014, IHEM


Strain number: IHEM 26291   Add to cart
Original substratum: human bronchoalveolar lavage
Geographic Origin: Belgium, Brussels
Isolator: University Hospital St Pierre Brussels
History: University Hospital St Pierre Brussels -> 2014, IHEM


Strain number: IHEM 26622   Add to cart
Name changes: Aspergillus niger (van Tieghem)
Original substratum: human ear
Geographic Origin: Belgium, Jette
Isolator: University Hospital VUB Brussels 1 Oct. 2015
History: University Hospital VUB Brussels -> 2015, IHEM


Strain number: IHEM 26645   Add to cart
Name changes: Aspergillus niger (van Tieghem)
Original substratum: human ear secretions
Geographic Origin: Belgium, Jette
Isolator: University Hospital VUB Brussels 5 Nov. 2015
History: University Hospital VUB Brussels -> 2015, IHEM


Strain number: IHEM 26661   Add to cart
Name changes: Aspergillus niger (van Tieghem)
Original substratum: human toe nail
Pathogenicity (underlying disease): onychomycosis
Geographic Origin: Belgium, Jette
Isolator: University Hospital VUB Brussels 16 Nov. 2015
History: University Hospital VUB Brussels -> 2015, IHEM


Strain number: IHEM 27322   Add to cart
Original substratum: cow placental expulsion
Geographic Origin: Belgium
Isolator: Dierengezondheidszorg Vlaanderen 30 Mar. 2017
History: G. Vanantwerpen, Dierengezondheidszorg Vlaanderen -> 2017, IHEM


Strain number: IHEM 27573   Add to cart
Original substratum: human scalp
Geographic Origin: France, Marseille
Isolator: University Hospital Timone Marseille 2015
History: Laboratoire de Parasitologie et Mycologie, University hospital Timone, Marseille -> 2017, IHEM


Strain number: IHEM 27618   Add to cart
Acronyms: ATCC MYA-4879, CECT 20392, CBS 134.48
History: R. Mosseray, No. 726 -> 1948, CBS -> 2006, MUM -> 2017, IHEM
Applications: lipase (tween-20 +)


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