IHEM species details

Last data update: 24 January 2024 16:39 CET  

Species name: Talaromyces pinophilus (Hedgcock) Samson, Yilmaz, Frisvad & Seifert
Alternate names: Penicillium pinophilum Hedgcock
Type of organism: Fungi
Medium: Medium ME, PDA, S10, 25°C

3 strain(s) found - displaying strain(s) 1 through 3

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Strain number: IHEM 5847   Add to cart
Name changes: Penicillium funiculosum Thom
Acronyms: QM 391, NRRL 3503, MUCL 39891, IMI 87160, IFO 6345, DSM 1960, CCRC 31621, CBS 170.60, B 51912, ATCC 9644
Original substratum: radio set
Geographic Origin: New Guinea
Isolator: K. Jensen 1944
History: -> NRRL -> DSM -> CCRC -> 1991, IHEM
Applications: production of dextranase (J. Biochem. 69: 1113, 1971) and poly-ß-hydroxybutyrate depolymerase (Arach. biochem. Biophys. 290: 497-502,1991); deterioration of plastics (Int. Biodeterior. Bull. 8: 3-7, 1972; Dev. Ind. Microbiol. 14: 258- 263, 1973); degradation of poly-ß-hydroxybutyrate and polycaprolactone (J.Ferment; Bioeng. 80: 265-269, 1995); fungus resistance testing of polymers (ASTM Std. G21, 1980)


Strain number: IHEM 16004   Add to cart
Acronyms: MUCL 38548, IMI 114933, IAM 7013, DSM 1944, CECT 2911, CBS 631.66, ATCC 36839

- neotype strain of Penicillium pinophilum Hedgcock

Original substratum: PVC
Geographic Origin: France
Isolator: M. Magnoux 1960
History: -> 1965, IMI -> 1999, IHEM
Applications: fungus resistance testing of plastics (Int. Std. ISO 846-1978 (E)); textiles (Brit. Std. BS 6085: 1981); textiles and other materials (Brit. Std. BS 2011: Part 2.1J: 1977)
Literature: Yilmaz N, Visagie CM, Houbraken J, Frisvad JC, Samson RA, Stud Mycol 78 (2014), 175-341
[DOI: 10.1016/j.simyco.2014.08.001]

Pitt, J.I., in 'The genus Penicillium', Academic Press, London (1979), 424


Strain number: IHEM 18555   Add to cart
Acronyms: QM 474, NRRL A-622, CBS 235.94, ATCC 11797
Geographic Origin: USA
Collector: P. March, BPI 66
Applications: dextranase, testing materials, U.S. military specifications
Literature: Yilmaz N, Visagie CM, Houbraken J, Frisvad JC, Samson RA, Stud Mycol 78 (2014), 175-341
[DOI: 10.1016/j.simyco.2014.08.001]


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