LMG media details

Last data update: 24 January 2024 16:39 CET  

1 medium found

Name: RAE Medium (Reinforced AE Medium)

Medium number: 239

Recipe: Glucose 40 g

Yeast extract 10 g

Peptone 10 g

Na2HPO4 x 12H2O 3,38 g

Citric acid x H2O 1,5 g

Ethanol 20 ml

Acetic acid 10 ml

Distilled water 1 L

The ethanol and acetic acid are sterilized separately by filtration and added aseptically to the sterile medium. A double layer system has to be used. A layer of growth medium containing 1% agar is poured into a plate and allowed to solidify. A thin layer of the growth medium containing 2% agar is then poured on top.