LMG search results

Last data update: 24 January 2024 16:40 CET  

Search on: LMG accession number contains 2299

7 strain(s) found - displaying strain(s) 1 through 7


Strain Number: LMG 2299   Add to cart
Speciesname: Ralstonia solanacearum (Smith 1896) Yabuuchi, Kosako, Yano, Hotta and Nishiuchi 1996VL emend. Safni, Cleenwerck, De Vos, Fegan, Sly and Kappler 2014 VP
Objective synonyms: Burkholderia solanacearum (Smith 1896) Yabuuchi, Kosako, Oyaizu, Yano, Hotta, Hahimoto, Ezaki and Arakawa 1993 VL
Pseudomonas solanacearum (Smith 1896) Smith 1914 AL
Other collections' numbers: ATCC 11696; CCUG 14272; DSM 9544; ICMP 5712; ICPB PS256; JCM 10489; Kelman 60-1; LMG 17137; NCPPB 325; PDDCC 5712; strain RAL17; UQRS 426
Restrictions: Biohazard group 1
Listed as quarantine organism in the European Union
Status: Type strain
Biological origin: Lycopersicon esculentum
Geographic origin: United States
Depositor: National Collection of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria (NCPPB), Central Science Laboratory
History: <- 1968, National Collection of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria (NCPPB), Central Science Laboratory (Pseudomonas solanacearum) <- 1953, A.Kelman
Conditions for growth: Medium 2, 28°C
Remarks: Race 1. Biovar 1


Strain Number: LMG 12299   Add to cart
Speciesname: Enterococcus cecorum (Devriese, Dutta, Farrow, van de Kerckhove and Phillips 1983) Williams, Farrow and Collins 1989 VL
Objective synonyms: Streptococcus cecorum Devriese, Dutta, Farrow, van de Kerckhove and Phillips 1983 VP
Other collections' numbers: Devriese A39
Restrictions: Biohazard group 1
Biological origin: chicken, intestine
Geographic origin: Belgium
Isolated by: Devriese L., UGent - Fac. Diergeneeskunde, Vakgroep Pathologie, Bacteriologie en Pluimveeziekten
Depositor: Devriese L., UGent - Fac. Diergeneeskunde, Vakgroep Pathologie, Bacteriologie en Pluimveeziekten
History: <- 1992, Devriese L., UGent - Fac. Diergeneeskunde, Vakgroep Pathologie, Bacteriologie en Pluimveeziekten
Conditions for growth: Medium 151, Medium 66, Medium 22, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)


Strain Number: LMG 22299   Add to cart
Speciesname: Microbacterium gubbeenense Brennan, Brown, Goodfellow, Ward, Beresford, Vancanneyt, Cogan and Fox 2001VP emend. Nouioui, Carro, García-López, Meier-Kolthoff, Woyke, Kyrpides, Pukall, Klenk, Goodfellow and Göker 2019 VL
Other collections' numbers: Gelsomino R-19096; strain BTS-1M21
Restrictions: Biohazard group 1
This strain is to be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed.
Biological origin: Tilsit cheese
Geographic origin: Austria
Isolated by: Sebastiani H., Bundesanstalt für Alpenländische Milchwirtschaft Rotholz
Depositor: Gelsomino Roberto, UGent - Fac. Wetenschappen - Vakgroep Biochemie en Microbiologie, Labo voor Microbiologie
History: <- 2004, Gelsomino Roberto, UGent - Fac. Wetenschappen - Vakgroep Biochemie en Microbiologie, Labo voor Microbiologie <- M.Goodfellow University of Newcastle Newcastle upon Tyne U.K. <- Sebastiani H., Bundesanstalt für Alpenländische Milchwirtschaft Rotholz
Conditions for growth: Medium 280, 28°C
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed


Strain Number: LMG 22996   Add to cart
Speciesname: Alcaligenes aquatilis Van Trappen, Tan, Samyn and Vandamme 2005 VP
Other collections' numbers: CCUG 50924; Tan 797; Van Trappen R-21911
Restrictions: Biohazard group 1
Status: Type strain
Biological origin: Weser estuary sediments
Geographic origin: Bremerhaven Germany
Depositor: Van Trappen Stefanie, UGent - Fac. Wetenschappen - Vakgroep Biochemie en Microbiologie, Labo voor Microbiologie
History: <- 2005, Van Trappen Stefanie, UGent - Fac. Wetenschappen - Vakgroep Biochemie en Microbiologie, Labo voor Microbiologie <- 2003, T.-L.Tan Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research Bremerhaven Germany
Conditions for growth: Medium 14, Medium 2, 28°C


Strain Number: LMG 22997   Add to cart
Speciesname: Alcaligenes aquatilis Van Trappen, Tan, Samyn and Vandamme 2005 VP
Other collections' numbers: Tan 796; Van Trappen R-21910
Restrictions: Biohazard group 1
Biological origin: Weser estuary sediments
Geographic origin: Bremerhaven Germany
Depositor: Van Trappen Stefanie, UGent - Fac. Wetenschappen - Vakgroep Biochemie en Microbiologie, Labo voor Microbiologie
History: <- 2005, Van Trappen Stefanie, UGent - Fac. Wetenschappen - Vakgroep Biochemie en Microbiologie, Labo voor Microbiologie <- 2003, T.-L.Tan Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research Bremerhaven Germany
Conditions for growth: Medium 14, Medium 2, 28°C


Strain Number: LMG 22998   Add to cart
Speciesname: Alcaligenes aquatilis Van Trappen, Tan, Samyn and Vandamme 2005 VP
Other collections' numbers: Tan 798; Van Trappen R-21912
Restrictions: Biohazard group 1
Biological origin: Weser estuary sediments
Geographic origin: Bremerhaven Germany
Depositor: Van Trappen Stefanie, UGent - Fac. Wetenschappen - Vakgroep Biochemie en Microbiologie, Labo voor Microbiologie
History: <- 2005, Van Trappen Stefanie, UGent - Fac. Wetenschappen - Vakgroep Biochemie en Microbiologie, Labo voor Microbiologie <- 2003, T.-L.Tan Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research Bremerhaven Germany
Conditions for growth: Medium 14, Medium 2, 28°C


Strain Number: LMG 22999   Add to cart
Speciesname: Alcaligenes aquatilis Van Trappen, Tan, Samyn and Vandamme 2005 VP
Other collections' numbers: Tan 799; Van Trappen R-21913
Restrictions: Biohazard group 1
Biological origin: Weser estuary sediments
Geographic origin: Bremerhaven Germany
Depositor: Van Trappen Stefanie, UGent - Fac. Wetenschappen - Vakgroep Biochemie en Microbiologie, Labo voor Microbiologie
History: <- 2005, Van Trappen Stefanie, UGent - Fac. Wetenschappen - Vakgroep Biochemie en Microbiologie, Labo voor Microbiologie <- 2003, T.-L.Tan Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research Bremerhaven Germany
Conditions for growth: Medium 14, Medium 2, 28°C