GeneCorner host details

Last data update: 24 January 2024 16:39 CET

Host name: Escherichia coli K12 MG1655 (DE3) SEGA104 (LMBP 12940)

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Species:Escherichia coli
Strain designation:MG1655(DE3) SEGA104
Accession number: LMBP 12940
Depositor: A. Ehrmann1 and Prof. Dr M. Nørholm1. It was constructed by C. Bayer1, A. Ehrmann1 and M. Rennig1.
1 The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability, Technical University of Denmark, Horsholm, Denmark
Containment level: This strain has been assigned the containment level Class 1 following the European Directive 2009/41/EC on the contained use of genetically modified organisms, and its updates (see also the Belgian risk group classification).
Other culture collection numbers:SEGA 104
Medium: LB-Lennox
Selection marker: -
Temperature: 28°C
Genotype: F- λ(DE3 [lacI lacUV5-T7gene1 ind1 sam7 nin5]) ilvG- rfb-50 rph-1 glmS-pstS::PT7-high-BCD-3'tetA (Source: + Bayer et al., 2021)
Phenotype: tetS
Properties: The strain was created based on Escherichia coli K12 MG1655, by integrating the SEGA landing pad between the glmS and pstS loci. The strain contains DE3, a λ prophage carrying the T7 RNA polymerase gene under control of the lac UV5 promoter and lacIq. IPTG is required to induce expression of the T7 RNA polymerase. Protein expression from transforming plasmids containing a T7 promoter-driven expression system is repressed until IPTG induction of T7 RNA polymerase expression occurs.
Further information: This host strain is intended for simplistic bacterial genome engineering, using the SEGA genome architecture.
Original reference: Bayer et al., Nat. Commun. 12 (2021), 5876 [PMID: 34620865] [DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-26155-5]
Restricted use: - BCCM MTA
- The depositor will be informed of the customer's identity upon release of a sample outside the depositor's department.

Refer in your Materials and Methods:

Escherichia coli K12 MG1655 (DE3) SEGA104 (LMBP 12940) is available at BCCM/GeneCorner. It was deposited by A. Ehrmann and Prof. Dr M. Nørholm and was published in Bayer et al., 2021.

Note: Up-to-date, validated data are enclosed with the biological material. Nevertheless, these data are a snapshot at a given moment; further updates are always possible.

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