BCCM is committed to providing its clients with the best quality services.

BCCM monitors client's satisfaction and needs

In the spirit of continuous improvement, services to clients are followed-up by sending mini-client satisfaction surveys, immediately related to the last service provided; this can be a distribution, a deposition or another scientific service as characterisation, profiling,...  

We wish to thank the respondents for the feedback that they have given us.

More than 86% of the respondents answered to be (very) satisfied with the complete handling of our services and more than 97% is (very) satisfied with the quality of our biological material and with the diversity of the available biomaterial.

A point of improvement given by some customers concerns the 'friendliness' of the order- and/or deposit procedure. BCCM is currently working on it and will present an updated website with improved online procedure shortly.

The majority of the respondents consider BCCM as a professional organisation and have the intention to  order or deposit again at BCCM.

We thank our clients for transmitting a positive message to their colleagues.


BCCM remains committed to be your solution partner for providing services of quality in microbial and genetic resources for academia and industry.


Date of publication: 
Monday, June 8, 2020