SSU rRNA (16S) phylogeny using ORPER

This bioinformatics service includes the analysis of SSU rRNA data provided by the client or obtained via our 16S rRNA gene sequencing service. Here, we offer to perform a phylogenetic placement of SSU rRNA sequences within the genomic landscape represented by publicly available genomes. The genomes are first downloaded and filtered based on their quality, followed by a phylogenomic analysis based on ribosomal proteins. The resulting genomic tree is used to constrain a new SSU rRNA tree, reducing uncertainties in phylogenetic placement and increasing the accuracy of these analyses. This service helps to determine whether your strain is closely related to publicly available genomes and is commonly used prior to genome sequencing.

Please contact us if you wish to order this service.



  • Cornet, L.; Ahn, A.C.; Wilmotte, A.; Baurain, D. ORPER: A workflow for constrained SSU rRNA Phylogenies. Genes (Basel). 2021, 12 (doi:10.3390/genes12111741).