LMG species details

Last data update: 24 January 2024 16:40 CET  

Species name: Enterococcus faecalis (Andrewes and Horder 1906) Schleifer and Kilpper-Bälz 1984 VP
Objective synonyms: Streptococcus faecalis Andrewes and Horder 1906 AL


224 strain(s) found - displaying strain(s) 101 through 200

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Strain Number: LMG 20747   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 185
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: human, urine
Geographic origin: Germany
Depositor: Holzapfel W., Bundesforschungsanstalt für Ernährung und Lebensmittel (BfEL), Institut für Hygiene und Toxikologie
History: <- 2001, Holzapfel W., Bundesforschungsanstalt für Ernährung und Lebensmittel (BfEL), Institut für Hygiene und Toxikologie
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20748   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 186
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: human, intravenous catheder
Geographic origin: Germany
Depositor: Holzapfel W., Bundesforschungsanstalt für Ernährung und Lebensmittel (BfEL), Institut für Hygiene und Toxikologie
History: <- 2001, Holzapfel W., Bundesforschungsanstalt für Ernährung und Lebensmittel (BfEL), Institut für Hygiene und Toxikologie
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20750   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 188
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: human, trachea secretion
Geographic origin: Germany
Depositor: Holzapfel W., Bundesforschungsanstalt für Ernährung und Lebensmittel (BfEL), Institut für Hygiene und Toxikologie
History: <- 2001, Holzapfel W., Bundesforschungsanstalt für Ernährung und Lebensmittel (BfEL), Institut für Hygiene und Toxikologie
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20752   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 190
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: human, urine
Geographic origin: Germany
Depositor: Holzapfel W., Bundesforschungsanstalt für Ernährung und Lebensmittel (BfEL), Institut für Hygiene und Toxikologie
History: <- 2001, Holzapfel W., Bundesforschungsanstalt für Ernährung und Lebensmittel (BfEL), Institut für Hygiene und Toxikologie
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20753   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 191
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: human, urine
Geographic origin: Germany
Depositor: Holzapfel W., Bundesforschungsanstalt für Ernährung und Lebensmittel (BfEL), Institut für Hygiene und Toxikologie
History: <- 2001, Holzapfel W., Bundesforschungsanstalt für Ernährung und Lebensmittel (BfEL), Institut für Hygiene und Toxikologie
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20754   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 192
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: human, urine
Geographic origin: Germany
Depositor: Holzapfel W., Bundesforschungsanstalt für Ernährung und Lebensmittel (BfEL), Institut für Hygiene und Toxikologie
History: <- 2001, Holzapfel W., Bundesforschungsanstalt für Ernährung und Lebensmittel (BfEL), Institut für Hygiene und Toxikologie
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20755   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 193
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: human, urine
Geographic origin: Germany
Depositor: Holzapfel W., Bundesforschungsanstalt für Ernährung und Lebensmittel (BfEL), Institut für Hygiene und Toxikologie
History: <- 2001, Holzapfel W., Bundesforschungsanstalt für Ernährung und Lebensmittel (BfEL), Institut für Hygiene und Toxikologie
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20786   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 224
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
This strain is to be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed.
Biological origin: cheddar cheese
Geographic origin: Ireland
Depositor: Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC)
History: <- 2001, Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC). (1994)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20788   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 226
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
This strain is to be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed.
Biological origin: cheddar cheese
Geographic origin: Ireland
Depositor: Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC)
History: <- 2001, Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC). (1994)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20790   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 228
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
This strain is to be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed.
Biological origin: cheddar cheese
Geographic origin: Ireland
Depositor: Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC)
History: <- 2001, Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC). (1994)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20791   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 229
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
This strain is to be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed.
Biological origin: cheddar cheese
Geographic origin: Ireland
Depositor: Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC)
History: <- 2001, Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC). (1994)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20795   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 233
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
This strain is to be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed.
Biological origin: cheddar cheese
Geographic origin: Ireland
Depositor: Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC)
History: <- 2001, Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC). (1994)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20796   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 234
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
This strain is to be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed.
Biological origin: cheddar cheese
Geographic origin: Ireland
Depositor: Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC)
History: <- 2001, Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC). (1994)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20797   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 235
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
This strain is to be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed.
Biological origin: Camembert type cheese (raw milk)
Geographic origin: Ireland
Depositor: Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC)
History: <- 2001, Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC). (1995)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20798   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 236
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
This strain is to be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed.
Biological origin: smear ripened cheese (Raw milk)
Geographic origin: Ireland
Depositor: Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC)
History: <- 2001, Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC). (1995)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20799   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 237
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
This strain is to be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed.
Biological origin: cheddar type
Geographic origin: Ireland
Depositor: Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC)
History: <- 2001, Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC). (1995)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20800   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 238
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
This strain is to be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed.
Biological origin: smear ripened cheese (raw milk)
Geographic origin: Ireland
Depositor: Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC)
History: <- 2001, Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC). (1995)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20801   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 239
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
This strain is to be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed.
Geographic origin: Ireland
Depositor: Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC)
History: <- 2001, Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC). (1981)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20815   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 255
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: Crescenza cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1981)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20816   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 256
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1982)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20817   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 257
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1982)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20818   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 259
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: Caciotta cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1987)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20819   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 260
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: Ffontina cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1987)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20822   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 264
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: milk
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20823   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 265
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: milk
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20825   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 267
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: Monteveronese cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20827   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 271
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: Monteveronese cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20828   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 272
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: Monteveronese cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20829   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 273
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: Monteveronese cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20830   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 274
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: milk
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20831   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 275
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: milk
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20832   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 276
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: Monteveronese cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20833   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 277
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: Monteveronese cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20834   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 278
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: Monteveronese cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20835   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 279
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: Monteveronese cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20837   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 281
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: Monteveronese cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20838   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 282
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: Monteveronese cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20839   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 283
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: Monteveronese cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20841   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 285
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: Fontina cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20842   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 286
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: Fontina cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20843   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 287
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: Fontina cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20844   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 288
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: Fontina cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20845   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 289
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: Fontina cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20846   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 290
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: Fontina cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20847   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 291
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: Fontina cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20848   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 292
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: Fontina cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20853   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 297
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: natural whey for mozzarella cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1987)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20854   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 298
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: natural whey for mozzarella cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1987)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20855   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 299
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: natural whey for mozzarella cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1988)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20856   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 300
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: natural whey for mozzarella cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1988)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20857   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 301
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: natural whey for mozzarella cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1988)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20858   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 302
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
This strain is to be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed.
Biological origin: soft cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Lombardi A., Veneto Agricoltura Istituto per Qualità e le Tecnologie Agroalimentari
History: <- 2001, Lombardi A., Veneto Agricoltura Istituto per Qualità e le Tecnologie Agroalimentari. 1980-1990
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20862   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 306
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
This strain is to be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed.
Biological origin: Fontina cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Lombardi A., Veneto Agricoltura Istituto per Qualità e le Tecnologie Agroalimentari
History: <- 2001, Lombardi A., Veneto Agricoltura Istituto per Qualità e le Tecnologie Agroalimentari. 1980-1990
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20863   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 307
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
This strain is to be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed.
Biological origin: semi-cooked cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Lombardi A., Veneto Agricoltura Istituto per Qualità e le Tecnologie Agroalimentari
History: <- 2001, Lombardi A., Veneto Agricoltura Istituto per Qualità e le Tecnologie Agroalimentari. 1980-1990
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20864   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 308
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
This strain is to be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed.
Biological origin: Fontina cheese
Depositor: Lombardi A., Veneto Agricoltura Istituto per Qualità e le Tecnologie Agroalimentari
History: <- 2001, Lombardi A., Veneto Agricoltura Istituto per Qualità e le Tecnologie Agroalimentari. (1994)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20865   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 309
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
This strain is to be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed.
Biological origin: hard cheese
Geographic origin: Argentina
Depositor: Lombardi A., Veneto Agricoltura Istituto per Qualità e le Tecnologie Agroalimentari
History: <- 2001, Lombardi A., Veneto Agricoltura Istituto per Qualità e le Tecnologie Agroalimentari. (1985)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20866   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 310
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
This strain is to be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed.
Biological origin: semi-cooked cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Lombardi A., Veneto Agricoltura Istituto per Qualità e le Tecnologie Agroalimentari
History: <- 2001, Lombardi A., Veneto Agricoltura Istituto per Qualità e le Tecnologie Agroalimentari. 1980-1990
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20867   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 311
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
This strain is to be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed.
Biological origin: natural milk culture
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Lombardi A., Veneto Agricoltura Istituto per Qualità e le Tecnologie Agroalimentari
History: <- 2001, Lombardi A., Veneto Agricoltura Istituto per Qualità e le Tecnologie Agroalimentari. (1993)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20869   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 313
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
This strain is to be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed.
Biological origin: goat cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Lombardi A., Veneto Agricoltura Istituto per Qualità e le Tecnologie Agroalimentari
History: <- 2001, Lombardi A., Veneto Agricoltura Istituto per Qualità e le Tecnologie Agroalimentari. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20873   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 321
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
This strain is to be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed.
Biological origin: smear-ripened cheese (raw milk)
Geographic origin: Ireland
Depositor: Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC)
History: <- 2001, Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC). (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20876   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 324
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
In addition to the general BCCM MTA, for this strain a depositor's MTA is applicable excluding commercial use, which needs to be signed and of which a copy will be sent to the depositor.
Biological origin: raw milk
Geographic origin: Ireland
Depositor: Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC)
History: <- 2001, Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC). (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20877   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 325
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
In addition to the general BCCM MTA, for this strain a depositor's MTA is applicable excluding commercial use, which needs to be signed and of which a copy will be sent to the depositor.
Biological origin: smear-ripened cheese (raw milk)
Geographic origin: Ireland
Depositor: Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC)
History: <- 2001, Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC). (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20879   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 327
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
In addition to the general BCCM MTA, for this strain a depositor's MTA is applicable excluding commercial use, which needs to be signed and of which a copy will be sent to the depositor.
Biological origin: smear-ripened cheese (past milk)
Geographic origin: Ireland
Depositor: Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC)
History: <- 2001, Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC). (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20880   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 328
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
In addition to the general BCCM MTA, for this strain a depositor's MTA is applicable excluding commercial use, which needs to be signed and of which a copy will be sent to the depositor.
Biological origin: smear-ripened cheese (past milk)
Geographic origin: Ireland
Depositor: Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC)
History: <- 2001, Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC). (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20881   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 329
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
In addition to the general BCCM MTA, for this strain a depositor's MTA is applicable excluding commercial use, which needs to be signed and of which a copy will be sent to the depositor.
Biological origin: semi-hard cheese
Geographic origin: Ireland
Depositor: Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC)
History: <- 2001, Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC). (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20882   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 330
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
This strain is to be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed.
Biological origin: semi-hard cheese
Geographic origin: Ireland
Depositor: Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC)
History: <- 2001, Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC). (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20883   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 331
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
This strain is to be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed.
Biological origin: semi-hard cheese
Geographic origin: Ireland
Depositor: Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC)
History: <- 2001, Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC). (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20885   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 333
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
This strain is to be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed.
Biological origin: Camembert type (raw miilk)
Geographic origin: Ireland
Depositor: Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC)
History: <- 2001, Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC). (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20886   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 334
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
This strain is to be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed.
Biological origin: Camembert type (raw milk)
Geographic origin: Ireland
Depositor: Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC)
History: <- 2001, Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC). (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20887   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 335
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
This strain is to be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed.
Biological origin: Cheddar
Geographic origin: Ireland
Depositor: Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC)
History: <- 2001, Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC). (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20889   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 337
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: soft cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Lombardi A., Veneto Agricoltura Istituto per Qualità e le Tecnologie Agroalimentari
History: <- 2001, Lombardi A., Veneto Agricoltura Istituto per Qualità e le Tecnologie Agroalimentari. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20891   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 339
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
This strain is to be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed.
Biological origin: Asiago d'allevo cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Lombardi A., Veneto Agricoltura Istituto per Qualità e le Tecnologie Agroalimentari
History: <- 2001, Lombardi A., Veneto Agricoltura Istituto per Qualità e le Tecnologie Agroalimentari. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20892   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 340
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
This strain is to be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed.
Biological origin: Asiago d'allevo cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Lombardi A., Veneto Agricoltura Istituto per Qualità e le Tecnologie Agroalimentari
History: <- 2001, Lombardi A., Veneto Agricoltura Istituto per Qualità e le Tecnologie Agroalimentari. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20893   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 341
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
This strain is to be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed.
Biological origin: Asiago d'allevo cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Lombardi A., Veneto Agricoltura Istituto per Qualità e le Tecnologie Agroalimentari
History: <- 2001, Lombardi A., Veneto Agricoltura Istituto per Qualità e le Tecnologie Agroalimentari. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20894   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 342
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
This strain is to be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed.
Biological origin: Asiago d'allevo cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Lombardi A., Veneto Agricoltura Istituto per Qualità e le Tecnologie Agroalimentari
History: <- 2001, Lombardi A., Veneto Agricoltura Istituto per Qualità e le Tecnologie Agroalimentari. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20898   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 346
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
This strain is to be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed.
Biological origin: Asiago pressato cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Lombardi A., Veneto Agricoltura Istituto per Qualità e le Tecnologie Agroalimentari
History: <- 2001, Lombardi A., Veneto Agricoltura Istituto per Qualità e le Tecnologie Agroalimentari. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20899   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 347
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
This strain is to be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed.
Biological origin: Montasio cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Lombardi A., Veneto Agricoltura Istituto per Qualità e le Tecnologie Agroalimentari
History: <- 2001, Lombardi A., Veneto Agricoltura Istituto per Qualità e le Tecnologie Agroalimentari. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20900   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 348
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
This strain is to be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed.
Biological origin: Montasio cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Lombardi A., Veneto Agricoltura Istituto per Qualità e le Tecnologie Agroalimentari
History: <- 2001, Lombardi A., Veneto Agricoltura Istituto per Qualità e le Tecnologie Agroalimentari. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20902   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 350
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
This strain is to be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed.
Biological origin: Montasio cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Lombardi A., Veneto Agricoltura Istituto per Qualità e le Tecnologie Agroalimentari
History: <- 2001, Lombardi A., Veneto Agricoltura Istituto per Qualità e le Tecnologie Agroalimentari. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20903   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 351
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
This strain is to be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed.
Biological origin: Montasio cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Lombardi A., Veneto Agricoltura Istituto per Qualità e le Tecnologie Agroalimentari
History: <- 2001, Lombardi A., Veneto Agricoltura Istituto per Qualità e le Tecnologie Agroalimentari. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20906   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 363
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: Cacio cavallo cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20911   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 368
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: Caciotta del Pastore cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20912   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 369
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: Panerone cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20913   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 370
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: Panerone cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20915   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 372
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: Scamorza bianca cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20918   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 375
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: Xiphias gladius (sword fish)
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20919   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 376
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: Xiphias gladius (sword fish)
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20920   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 377
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: tuna-fish, intestine
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20921   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 378
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: tuna-fish, intestine
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20922   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 379
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: rabbit, intestine
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20923   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 380
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: rabbit, intestine
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20924   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 381
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
Biological origin: poultry offals, intestine
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie
History: <- 2001, Dellaglio F., Universita Degli Studi Di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie. (1997)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 20925   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 382
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
This strain is to be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed.
Biological origin: raw milk
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC)
History: <- 2001, Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC). (1971)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20928   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 385
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
This strain is to be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed.
Biological origin: soft cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC)
History: <- 2001, Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC). (1978)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20934   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 391
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
This strain is to be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed.
Biological origin: Argentinian cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC)
History: <- 2001, Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC). (1986)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20935   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 392
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
This strain is to be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed.
Biological origin: grana cheese
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC)
History: <- 2001, Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC). (1986)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 20947   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: FAIR-E 404
Restrictions: Biohazard group 2
This strain is to be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed.
Biological origin: raw milk
Geographic origin: Italy
Depositor: Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC)
History: <- 2001, Cogan T., TEAGASC Food Research Centre, National Dairy Products Research Centre (DPRC). (1971)
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Remarks: To be used for research purposes only, no commercial use allowed
Strain Number: LMG 21336   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: Dalgaard 25v-2; Vancanneyt R-7259
Restrictions: Not yet assigned
Biological origin: modified-atmosphere-packaged shrimps
Geographic origin: Denmark
Isolated by: Dalgaard P., Dep. of Seafood Res. Danish Inst. for Fisheries Res. Lyngby
Depositor: Vancanneyt Marc, BCCM/LMG - UGent - Vakgroep Biochemie en Microbiologie, Labo voor Microbiologie
History: <- 2002, Vancanneyt Marc, BCCM/LMG - UGent - Vakgroep Biochemie en Microbiologie, Labo voor Microbiologie <- 1999, Dalgaard P., Dep. of Seafood Res. Danish Inst. for Fisheries Res. Lyngby
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 21337   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: Dalgaard 25k-3; Vancanneyt R-7254
Restrictions: Not yet assigned
Biological origin: modified-atmosphere-packaged shrimps
Geographic origin: Denmark
Isolated by: Dalgaard P., Dep. of Seafood Res. Danish Inst. for Fisheries Res. Lyngby
Depositor: Vancanneyt Marc, BCCM/LMG - UGent - Vakgroep Biochemie en Microbiologie, Labo voor Microbiologie
History: <- 2002, Vancanneyt Marc, BCCM/LMG - UGent - Vakgroep Biochemie en Microbiologie, Labo voor Microbiologie <- 1999, Dalgaard P., Dep. of Seafood Res. Danish Inst. for Fisheries Res. Lyngby
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
Strain Number: LMG 21344   Add to cart
Other collections' numbers: Dalgaard 2-25v1; Vancanneyt R-16881
Restrictions: Not yet assigned
Biological origin: modified-atmosphere-packaged shrimps
Geographic origin: Denmark
Isolated by: Dalgaard P., Dep. of Seafood Res. Danish Inst. for Fisheries Res. Lyngby
Depositor: Vancanneyt Marc, BCCM/LMG - UGent - Vakgroep Biochemie en Microbiologie, Labo voor Microbiologie
History: <- 2002, Vancanneyt Marc, BCCM/LMG - UGent - Vakgroep Biochemie en Microbiologie, Labo voor Microbiologie <- 1999, Dalgaard P., Dep. of Seafood Res. Danish Inst. for Fisheries Res. Lyngby
Conditions for growth: Medium 66, 37°C, microaerobic (e.g. 5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2)
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